Members Online Network

If you are serious about learning practical, effective self-defense this network makes that possible no matter where you live. Our unique format is personalized and will provide you with the tools you need. You invest the time, effort and sacrifice!

There are no colored belts in this system, but there are three phases of progression. Each one builds on the other, and requires a minimum of logged hours plus testing in order to complete. The three levels are:

1) Initiate - Basic Proficiency

2) Associate - Intermediate + Assistant Instructor*

3) Instructor - Certified to Teach + Promote Others Up to Level 2

*Associates in our distance training program are eligible to form and lead a training group in their local area. Testing for phases 1 + 2 may be completed using video and written form submission. Testing for the Instructor phase 3 must be completed in person before a board of Certified Instructors and the Chief Instructor.

Our guidelines are in place to protect the integrity of the system, as well as to ensure each member receives the highest standard of training available.

We look forward to helping you reach and maintain your goals in safety awareness, personal protection and defensive tactics!